
Posts Tagged ‘icmp’

Playing Ping Pong with ARP

May 22, 2011 Leave a comment


Let me start of by giving a very rough explanation of how devices communicate on ethernet and WiFi networks. Each network device has a unique hardware address called a MAC address. These are assigned by manufacturers and don’t change for the life of the device. Many manufacturers even place the address on a sticker on the chip. It is possible to change the address with software, though the idea is that the address remain static so the device can communicate on a physical network.

So what happens when you want to connect to a machine on your local network? Assume your IP is IP-A and your destination is IP-B. Your computer will first do what is called an “ARP who-has” broadcast, asking everyone on the network to identify themselves if they are the owner of IP-B. The owner of IP-B will then respond to you saying, “I am IP B, and I’m at this MAC address”. After this response both machines know at which physical address each other is, and are able to send and receive data to and from each other.

Now, the protocol for discovering the MACs as I described above is called ARP, the Address Resolution Protocol. You can get a listing of the known MAC addresses of devices you’ve been communicating with on your LAN by running the following command:
arp -an


So, everyone probably knows the ping command. It’s a command that sends a packet to another machine requesting a response packet. It’s often used to test if a machine is up, whether an IP is in use, to measure latency or packet loss, and so on. It’s very simple to use. You simply run ping <ip address> and on Linux it will then continuously send ping or echo requests and display any responses. When you abort the command with Ctrl+C you will also get a summary of the session, which includes the numbers of packets sent, the packet loss percentage, the elapsed time and some other metrics.

Though because of security concerns many people disable ping and it’s not always possible to use it for a quick test to see if a host is up and behind a certain IP address. Sometimes I just need a temporary IP on a specific subnet, and ping alone isn’t enough to quickly determine if an IP is currently claimed.

This is where arping comes in. arping is a very handy utility that does basically the same as ping, except with arp who-has packets. When you run it against a given IP address, it will send arp who-has packets onto the network, and print the responses received.

Here is some example output of arping:
[quintin@printfw ~]$ sudo arping
ARPING from eth0
Unicast reply from [7B:F1:A8:11:84:C9] 0.906ms
Unicast reply from [7B:F1:A8:11:84:C9] 0.668ms
Sent 2 probes (1 broadcast(s))
Received 2 response(s)

What’s the Point

This is useful in many cases.

  1. Ping is not always available, as some system firewalls actively block it, even to other hosts on it’s LAN. In there cases you can still do a hosts-up test.
  2. You can do it to quickly discover the MAC address behind a given IP.
  3. If you have an IP conflict you can get the MAC addresses of all the hosts claiming the given IP address.
  4. It’s a quick way to see if a host is completely crashed. If it doesn’t respond to ARP it’s very dead.
  5. You can ping hosts even if you’re not on the same subnet.

I’m sure one can find many more uses of arping. I think it’s a very useful utility.

Windows Firewall Oddities

On a side note I thought might be interesting. I have noticed some people with the AVG Anti-Virus package’s firewall to not respond to ARP requests all the time. I haven’t investigated it further, though it seems like it will prevent sending responses in certain scenarios. This is definitely a feature that I would prefer didn’t exist, though am sure there are benefits to it, like being in complete stealth on a LAN. When I find out more about this, I’ll update this page.


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