
Posts Tagged ‘windows’

CrossOver Office

May 28, 2011 Leave a comment


I have to admit, this is an odd post. It explains a reason to love Linux, being that it runs CrossOver Office, which allows you to run Windows software on Linux with little problems.

Either way, this says it all. Sometimes you just need to do it. I, personally, feel that Microsoft Office far exceeds the quality of OpenOffice. OpenOffice has a long way to go before it’s as easy to use and powerful as Microsoft Office is. So on all my Linux installations I run Office 2007 inside CrossOver Office.

How does CrossOver Office differ from Wine?

CrossOver Office is based on Wine. Though, being a commercial program that you can only use if you pay for it, there is funding to support certain programs’ compatibility. Wine works very well, though there are many visual glitches and bugs that make running certain programs a headache. And unless you’re a Wine expert you can’t always make these glitches go away.

The team at CrossOver office take popular programs and make compatibility fixes to ensure they run close to, if not as well as they do on Windows, making available this quality support to the general public.

I feel it’s worth every cent and recommend it to everyone installing Linux. Support the hard working team at CodeWeavers today!


Here are some screenshots of my CrossOver installation. Just see how well these programs run on Linux:


So Why Love Linux? Because CrossOver office helps to bring the best of both worlds onto your desktop.